

Dry Utilities

DRY UTILITIES Dry Utility projects are a large part of UCC’s operations.  We have a strong resume in electric and communication ductbank construction.   Ductbank requirements including racking, spacers, slurry encasement, concrete encasement, multiple , colored conduits and maximum bending radius / deflection requirements are commonplace for UCC.  UCC is experienced in the construction requirements [...]

By |January 23rd, 2016|Construction, Dry Facilities|0 Comments


AIRPORTS Working at airfields requires special attention to scheduling , work procedures, FOD control, safety and quality.  In almost all cases, UCC airfield projects occur at existing or active facilities, and projects pose conflict or risk to the normal operation of the facility.  UCC understands how to work effectively at airfields, and schedule work [...]

By |January 22nd, 2016|Airports, Construction|0 Comments